Sunday, August 29, 2010

Classic Tuna Salad and Classic Macaroni and Cheese

Today's dinner was only half a success.  The Classic Tuna Salad was the success.  It was creamy, yet crunchy and full of flavor.  I would have to say it was probably the best Tuna Salad I have had.

The Mac & Cheese was the failure and certainly not because of the recipe.  In fact, it looked absolutely amazing.  The noodles were perfectly tender and not soggy with cheese.  The topping was browned just right.  I couldn't what to eat it.  Then I took one bite...salty...really salty...really, really salty.  The recipe said to salt the pasta water, but it didn't say to rinse the noodles.  I thought that might have been the problem, because I recalled that 3 tablespoons did seem like a lot of salt to add to the water.  But why would they have you salt the macaroni then rinse it off.   I thought maybe it said 3 teaspoons.  So I looked back at the recipe, sure enough it said 1 tablespoon.  I remember now, I was looking at the 3 tablespoons of butter it called for.  I am so mad about this.  I had to dump the entire dish it was bad and there was a lot of it.  This was the second day in a row that I messed up on the ingredients.  I really need to pay more attention in the future.  I think I learned my lesson this time.  Word of advice...double check EVERYTHING!

Next on the menu:

Picnic Chicken

American Potato Salad w/ hard-cooked eggs & Sweet pickles

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