Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Chinese Night! On The Menu: PORK LO MEIN

Pork Lo Mein a classic Chinese take-out meal turned homemade.  I must say that I think that I prefer the homemade version.  First of all I didn't get sick, which is what usually happens when eat out anywhere other than pizza or Subway. Second, the pork was very tender and plentiful.  Third, it wasn't overly greasy or salty (you got to expect a little with Chinese food).  Finally, it was pretty quick and easy to prepare. 

I do want to note that there are a lot of ingredients for this recipe.  Many of which I had to hunt down in the Asian aisle at Meijer.  The cost of these ingredients did add up, but most of them I barely used and I have a feeling that I will be using them for future recipes.  Also there are a lot of steps to this recipe, but each step goes very quickly so read the recipe in advance.

The recipe suggested to sear one pound boneless country-style pork ribs in a cast-iron skillet, which was what I did and they did sear nicely.  The recipe also called for shiitake mushrooms.  Meijer did not have any available so I just used sliced baby bella mushrooms.  As for the noodles, the recipe stated that your can either use fresh Chinese noodles or dried linguine.  I went with the dried linguine, and it work very well. 

Overall, everyone like this recipe and would like to have it again.  However, everyone did say that it was very filling. In fact, so filling that no one was able to finish their plate!

On the menu for tonight:

Skillet Lasagna
Leafy Green Salad with Red Wine Vinaigrette

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